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Cobram Estate funded research with Yale University about the effects of high-polyphenol extra virgin olive oil on endothelial function in adults at risk of type 2 diabetes. I was working a maternity cover contract with them as their freelance designer and was asked to create an infographic and some social media tiles to visually bring the information to life which was to be shared with healthcare professionals by Dr Joanna Mcmillan who has a large social media presence of 24.1K followers. They requested six tiles put together and then the six tiles can become the social media images, this developed to eight to include a title and a hero quote. Using Cobram's design guidelines and researching medical terminology, I created a hero illustration per square and then used icons to pull out other key information. The infographic was really well received and has set a style for other Cobram research infographics. 

Cobram_Yale research infographic_Effects EVOO type 2 diabetes full [F].png
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